Premier Book Review

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Ask The Author, Book Club

Online and In-person Book Club.

benefits of the book club……
  • Opportunity to ask the author questions about her book and how to overcome your life challenges. 
  • Gain a better understanding of who you are and others around you. 
  • You will be able to identify your inborn temperaments and the strengths and weaknesses within each one.
  • Secure the tools you need to overcome your internal wounds.
  • Receive powerful prayers from the author.

How it Works


read the book prior to attending club.

Purchase books on Amazon or in office.


Contact the office to sign up today!

$50 per attendee/meet twice a month. 


book club dates and times.

Coming Soon!


Featured Book!

Why am I Like This? Jesus Christ the Wonderful Counselor

Book Description: 
Do you often ask yourself this question, “Why am I like this?” You see things you don’t like about yourself and wonder how you can become a better person. This book explains our inborn temperaments and the strengths and weaknesses within each one. It also focuses on character defects. The author gives helpful tips on how to improve one’s character along with the flaws within each temperament trait. She describes Jesus Christ as being the Wonderful Counselor who can help us become better people. She provides powerful prayers to help you overcome sin, flaws, and painful emotions so that you can be a healthy and productive individual.